Showing 48 posts by Taylor A. Gast.
Department of Labor Releases Employee Benefits and Cybersecurity Best Practices
On April 14, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor’s (“DOL’s”) Employee Benefits Security Administration (“EBSA”) issued its first cybersecurity best practices guidance for retirement plans. The EBSA guidance has been highly anticipated as the frequency and cost of data breaches affecting employee benefit plans continues to rise. The EBSA guidance focuses on actions that plan sponsors, plan fiduciaries, record-keepers, and plan participants can take. Read More ›
Categories: Cybersecurity, Department of Labor, Employee Benefits
Maryland’s Digital Ad Tax: The Next Frontier in State and Local Taxation
On Friday February 12, the Maryland State Senate voted to override Maryland’s governor to pass a bill creating a tax on annual gross revenues derived from digital advertising services in Maryland. Maryland’s digital advertising tax is the first of its kind in the United States. Read More ›
Categories: Sales Tax, Tax, Tax Disputes
Minimizing Cybersecurity Risks for Remote Workers
With more employees working remotely for the foreseeable future, a resulting increase in spoofing and other hacking attempts is becoming a very common and real threat. It is imperative for a business to have the proper protection policies and procedures in place.
In the following video, moderated by Patricia Scott, attorneys Taylor Gast and Robert Hamor discuss ways to minimize risk and avoid disaster as more employees work remotely. This video touches on the recent rise in computer hacking attempts, along with a discussion on strategies to protect businesses and employees.
Click the thumbnail below to view the full video.
This video is for general information purposes only and IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. If you seek legal counsel or need help in determining how this information applies to a specific situation, contact a Foster Swift business & tax law attorney before taking any action.
Categories: Compliance, Cybersecurity, Digital Assets
The Impact of PPP Loans on Mergers & Acquisitions
With the addition of new rules from the SBA (Small Business Administration), business & tax law attorneys Taylor Gast and Mike Zahrt discuss these updates regarding the impact of PPP Loans on Mergers & Acquisitions activity. Read More ›
Categories: Alerts and Updates, Compliance
Recent Questions Regarding PPP Forgiveness Applications
As PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) Loan Applicants await for banks to open their portals and begin accepting forgiveness applications, Foster Swift Business & Tax attorneys Taylor Gast and Mike Zahrt discuss recent updates regarding applications along with answers to common questions to consider regarding the next steps in the loan process.
Click the thumbnail below to view the full video.
This video is meant to provide general information and SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED LEGAL ADVICE. If you seek legal counsel or need help in determining how this information applies to a specific situation, contact a Foster Swift business attorney before taking any action. Our attorneys can help assist you in making the best decisions for your circumstances.
Categories: Alerts and Updates, News
SEC Expands Accredited Investor Definition to Include Sophisticated Investors, Others
On August 26, 2020 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted amendments to Rule 501(a) of the Securities Act that expand the definition of “accredited investor” to include additional categories of investors who may invest in unregistered private offerings. This amendment is intended to provide greater access to private investment markets. The amendments become effective 60 days after the new rule is published in the Federal Register. Read More ›
Categories: Entity Planning, Entity Selection, Organization & Planning, News, Startup, Venture Capital/Funding
A Guide to the Employee Retention Tax Credit: An Alternative to the PPP
For more articles from the June 2020 issue of Business & Tax Law News, click here.
The CARES Act created the Employee Retention Tax Credit (“ERTC”), which is designed to provide financial relief to employers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ERTC is a refundable tax credit that is credited against an employer’s share of social security taxes for specific wages paid on or after March 12, 2020 and before January 1, 2021. An eligible employer can access ERTC funds by (1) immediately reducing employment tax obligations, (2) applying for an advance payment of the estimated credit, or (3) calculating the final credit amount at the end of the applicable calendar quarter, usually on Form 941. Importantly, an employer that has received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan cannot also claim the ERTC (unless the employer has repaid its PPP loan by May 14, 2020). Read More ›
Categories: Employment, Tax
Cyber Insurance: Is it right for you?
We are frequently asked about insurance policies that cover internet-based risks like those involving network security like data breaches and ransomware, as well as data privacy related risks like class action lawsuits for privacy violations and costs related to the increasingly complex landscape of privacy rules. Read More ›
Categories: Cybersecurity, Insurance
Legal Cybersecurity Hotline Launched
This blog post has since been updated with new information
Hackers are more sophisticated than ever. It is often not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ a data breach will occur. October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month and with new threats frequently reported in the media; individuals, businesses, municipalities and other organizations need to do their due diligence in preparing for the inevitable. Read More ›
Categories: Cybersecurity
Using Vendor Management to Protect Your Business's Data
As a business or business owner, one thing to consider when creating a cybersecurity plan, is a vendor management program. Vendor management programs can help businesses address risks that arise when working with vendors and third parties that might be receiving sensitive information or business information. Read More ›
Categories: Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Digital Assets, IT Contracts
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